Sport Specific Individual Athlete Assessments/ Evaluations For All Sports
Prior to developing a sport specific training program, we thoroughly evaluate the capabilities of our athletes with respect to their sport of choice to try and identify “energy leaks” that the body may have that causes injury or doesn’t allow the athlete to perform at his/ her best. Assessments will look at the foundation of an athlete and make sure we evaluate everything from the toes to the nose. Assessments will look at mobility and stability deficits through the functional movement screen, biomechanical assessment of the foot/ ankle, and walking and running gait. Lastly, we look at joint range of motion and neuromuscular firing patterns to check the efficiency of movement patterns. It’s from this assessment baseline that we evaluate more specific measurements based on what the athlete comes to F.A.S.T for, SAQ testing, Jump testing etc. Our review process for all sports includes:
- Mini Evaluation
- Full Evaluation
- ACL Screen Male or Female
- Overhead Athlete Screen (Baseball, Golf, swimming, tennis, etc.)
- Combine Testing for Strength and Speed
- Jump Testing
- Speed, Agility, Quickness Assessment
- Functional Movement Screen (FMS)